Application guide for registered higher education providers: New course accreditation, renewal of course accreditation for existing providers

Version 3.11


This guide is for registered higher education providers. It provides information about and explains the processes for making the following applications to the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA):

  • new course accreditation, and
  • renewal of course accreditation.

Applications for course accreditation are considered under Part 4 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act).

TEQSA may renew a provider’s course accreditation or accredit a new course if it is satisfied that the provider meets the relevant Standards in the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HES Framework).

TEQSA will use a range of information to reach its decision, including information submitted by the provider with its application. The minimum evidence for each application type is outlined in the tables in Appendix A of this guide.

In determining the scope of the information required, TEQSA will use the differentiated model (known as the ‘core+’ model) explained in Section B of this Guide. All applicants will be required to submit minimum evidence relating to a set of core Standards. The minimum evidence for each application type is outlined in general in the tables in Appendix A. Some providers will be asked to submit evidence against other selected Standards on a case-by-case basis, according to risk and regulatory track record. The specific evidence required for your individual case will be documented by TEQSA in the form of the Confirmed Evidence Table for the application (i.e. course accreditation or renewal of course accreditation), and sent to you.

For assistance in understanding the requirements of the HES Framework, new providers should refer to the guidance in TEQSA’s Higher Education Standards Framework 2021 section in the first instance, which includes an overview of each Domain of the HES Framework.

Detailed guidance notes can be found on the Guidance notes page.