How to apply to change provider category

The Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HES Framework) makes provision for the following provider categories:

  • Institute of Higher Education
  • University College
  • Australian University
  • Overseas University.

Registered higher education providers can apply to change the category in which they are registered under Section 38 of the TEQSA Act. Under the provisions of Section 38, TEQSA can also change the category in which a provider is registered.

There is no requirement for a registered provider to change category. All providers become ‘registered higher education providers’ in accordance with the TEQSA Act.

An existing registered higher education provider can apply for a change of provider registration category by completing and submitting the relevant application form. Applications must be on the approved form, include all information requested, and be accompanied by the applicable fee and payment/invoice form. See more information on our fees page.

All applications are subject to an assessment process, which will have regard to the provider’s ability to meet the requirements of the HES Framework, including the particular provider category applied for.

Before submitting

Before submitting an application, providers should contact their TEQSA case manager to advise of an intention to apply to change provider category. TEQSA will work with each provider to outline the evidence requirements for the application and provide guidance around the application process.

Application forms

Application forms are available from TEQSA’s Provider Portal. For samples of the forms found on the Provider Portal, contact

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