How to apply to renew provider registration

TEQSA registers providers to deliver higher education for a specific period, up to a maximum of 7 years. Each registered provider is required to apply to renew its registration at least 180 days before its current registration period lapses. Your registration period is published on the National Register under the ‘Registration’ tab.

Applications must be on the approved online application form (available from the Provider Portal), include all information requested, and be accompanied by the applicable fee and payment/invoice form. See more information on our fees page.

Once an application has been submitted, your registration continues until TEQSA has made a decision on the application. There are no additional restrictions on a provider’s registration while an application is under assessment.

The time it takes for TEQSA to assess an application to renew registration depends on the quality of the submission, any concurrent assessments being undertaken by TEQSA, and the time it takes for providers to respond to requests by TEQSA. As part of the assessment, TEQSA may request evidence to address gaps in the application, or to substantiate claims made in the submission.

Key stages

  • Stage 1: Prepare your application
  • Stage 2: Submit your application
  • Stage 3: Application is assessed by TEQSA
  • Stage 4: Findings and recommendations
  • Stage 5: Application is decided by the TEQSA Commission
  • Stage 6: Decision is published on the National Register

Application guide for renewal of registration

TEQSA encourages all applicants to read the application guide for renewal of registration before submitting an application. The application guide explains the application process, sets out the required evidence that will need to be submitted with each application, and provides guidance in preparing the application.

Key considerations for providers preparing a self-assurance report (renewal of registration)

All providers are required to prepare and submit a self-assurance report as part of an application for renewal of registration. This report should demonstrate the effectiveness of a provider’s self-assurance processes as an integral part of their day-to-day operations in identifying, managing, and mitigating institutional risks.

In preparing the report, providers should consider the key sector-wide issues that pose significant institutional risk. Guidance on what TEQSA expects providers to consider is available on TEQSA’s website.

Multiple applications

Providers are encouraged to apply for renewal of registration at the same time as renewal of CRICOS registration, course reaccreditation, and where applicable, other regulatory processes such as application for self-accrediting authority or an application to change provider category. The ability to submit concurrent applications will depend on a range of factors, including accreditation and registration periods. Providers are strongly encouraged to contact us to discuss the best way of packaging applications prior to submission.

Further information

For further information when preparing your application for renewal of registration, please contact TEQSA’s re-registration team at

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