Key contacts at TEQSA (for providers)

As a registered higher education provider, your TEQSA Case Manager is your primary contact for your TEQSA-related enquiries. However, TEQSA also has specialist contact teams across the agency that are best placed to assist you in a timely and efficient manner when you have a specific enquiry. Please use the following list of key contacts to help direct your enquiry to the most appropriate TEQSA team contacts.

Please note: Your Case Manager remains an important contact. We encourage you to copy your Case Manager in to your correspondence with TEQSA and speak with them if you’re unsure about who to contact.

Nature of enquiry Example enquiries Key Contact
New application for initial registration Preparing an application for initial registration Email
In progress assessments for initial registration and accreditation for prospective providers Enquiring about a submitted application Contact the TEQSA staff member assigned to the assessment. If you are unsure who this is, contact
In progress assessments for course accreditation or reaccreditation for existing providers

Enquiring about a submitted application for:

  • new course accreditation for existing providers
  • renewal of course accreditation.
Contact the TEQSA staff member assigned to the assessment. If you are unsure who this is, contact
CRICOS matters
  • Enquiring about CRICOS or ESOS Act requirements
  • Preparing an application for CRICOS registration or renewal of registration
  • Submitting a CRICOS-related application e.g. to add a course
  • Enquiring about a submitted CRICOS-related notification or application.
ELICOS and Foundation Program matters
  • ELICOS or Foundation Program provider enquiries
  • Applying to add an ELICOS or Foundation Program to CRICOS
  • Applying for an exemption to enrol students under the age of 17 in Foundation Programs.
Provider registration matters
Renewal of registration
Withdraw provider registration
  • Preparing an application for renewal of registration
  • Submitting an application for renewal of registration 
  • Enquiries about renewal of registration applications in progress
  • Requesting an extension to registration period
  • Submitting an application to withdraw registration
  • Enquiries about withdrawing registration
Self-Accrediting Authority or Provider Category Change
Self-accrediting authority (SAA) 
Change provider category 
  • Preparing an application for self-accrediting authority or provider category change
  • Submitting an application for self-accrediting authority or provider category change
  • Enquiries about applications in progress
Application fees Enquiring about refunds for application fees. Email
Material changes Submitting a material change notification. Email
Risk Assessment Framework Enquiring about the risk assessment process. Email
Provider Information Request (PIR) Enquiring about the PIR. Email
Sexual assault and sexual harassment guidance Guidance about prevention and response to sexual assault and sexual harassment matters. Email
Compliance matters 

Enquiring about a compliance matter that TEQSA has notified you about, for instance:

  • a compliance assessment
  • an investigation.
Contact the TEQSA staff member assigned to the compliance matter. If you are unsure who this is, contact your Case Manager.
Complaints about TEQSA Complaints about TEQSA’s practices, services or approach. Email

Preparing an application for:


  • Applying for new course accreditation for existing providers
  • Applying for renewal of course accreditation
  • Enquiries about:
    • withdrawing a course/ teach out
    • requesting an extension to accreditation period.

Enquiries about:

  • conditions imposed on registration or course accreditation
Any other matters, enquiries or guidance Help with the Provider Portal, for example, changing and updating logins. Contact your Case Manager


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