Annual information collection

Why TEQSA collects data

TEQSA collects data on all higher education providers to help inform our risk-based approach to regulation. We use this information to minimise the reporting burden on providers associated with regulatory processes, such as a renewal of registration. We also use the information for our Annual Risk Assessment cycle.

Data collection sources

We collect data on higher education providers’ operations from a variety of sources, including:


All providers are required to report their financial data on an annual basis to the Department of Education. With the exception of universities, all providers report data through the Department’s HELP IT System (HITS). For all HITS related enquiries, please email

See the Department’s HELP Resources for Providers page for more information about HITS, including a user guide.

For universities, audited financial statements should be submitted to the Department of Education at

Tertiary Collection of Student Information (TCSI)

All providers are required to report their student and staff data on an annual basis through TCSI. TCSI is operated by the Department of Education.

See the TCSI website for information about TCSI, including TCSI FAQs and a range of support materials and information webinars.

Quality Indications for Learning and Teaching (QILT)

Data updated annually from QILT’s Student Experience Survey (SES) and Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS).

See the QILT website for more information.

For the 2024 Risk Assessment Cycle, TEQSA will directly collect the data about the Student Experience Survey and Graduate Outcomes Survey results from providers who don’t use QILT.

Provider Information Request (PIR)

Providers who are not approved FEE-HELP providers report staff and student annually to TEQSA through TCSI. This is called the Provider Information Request (PIR).

The PIR is an information request under Section 28 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act).

Provider responsibilities

Providers should ensure that data is provided within the timeframes, is accurate and has been verified.

A condition of registration is that registered providers must give TEQSA an annual financial statement in the approved form, within 6 months after the end of the annual reporting period (Section 27 of TEQSA Act).

Failure to submit financial information within required timeframes is a breach of a condition of registration for which TEQSA may apply sanctions such as shortening the period of registration, cancelling registration (Section 98 of the TEQSA Act).

In addition, if data is not submitted by the due date, TEQSA may assign a high risk rating to the provider in the annual risk assessment cycle.

Providers should also ensure their contact details with TEQSA remain up to date.


The deadline for submission dates for each data file is as follows:

Data file Provider type Deadline for submission
Finance ALL providers with a financial year ending 31 December 2023 (2024 Risk Assessment cycle, i.e. 2023 data) Submit by 30 June 2024
ALL providers with a financial year ending 30 June 2023 (2024 Risk Assessment cycle, i.e. 2023 data) Was due by 31 December 2023
ALL providers with a financial year ending 30 June 2024 (2025 Risk Assessment cycle, i.e. 2024 data) Submit by 31 December 2024
Students FEE-HELP providers (HESA) Verify the submitted data by 3 May 2024
Non-FEE-HELP providers (PIR providers) Submit and verify by 13 September 2024 
Staff FEE-HELP providers (HESA) Submit and verify by 28 June 2024
Non-FEE-HELP providers (PIR providers) Submit and verify by 28 June 2024


Help and support

Scope and structure documents, element specifications and a range of support materials, including introductory training and frequently asked questions, are available on the TCSI website.

We encourage you to review the reporting requirement from TCSI website to ensure that submitted data is consistent with the required specifications. Please also read through the Data Verification website for comprehensive information and instructions that will assist you complete the student and staff verification process.

The TCSI Data Collections Team are the primary point of contact for the submission of data. Email:

TEQSA’s Information Management Team is also available to respond to administrative queries throughout the submission period. Email:

If your institution has only recently registered as a higher education provider, we understand you may not be in a position to supply all of the required information. If this is case, please contact TEQSA’s Information Management Team.

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