Before applying for registration as a higher education provider

Applicants should carefully consider whether they meet the following fundamental requirements for registration before applying to become a higher education provider. Applicants should consult with TEQSA before applying to ensure they understand the evidence they will need to submit.

This guidance is intended to be used by applicants to ensure that some of the major shortcomings that commonly arise in applications for registration have been addressed. It is not a summary or restatement of all relevant criteria, standards or matters that we will consider in assessing an application for registration.

Before applying for registration as a higher education provider, applicants should ensure that they are able to demonstrate that:

  1. They are an entity listed under the definition of regulated entity in Section 5 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act).
  2. They have a clearly articulated higher education purpose that includes a commitment to freedom of speech and academic freedom – Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (HES Framework 2021), Standard B1.1.1.
  3. They have a formally constituted and accountable governing body, which includes independent members that exercise competent governance oversight of all of its proposed higher education operations in or from Australia – HES Framework 2021, Part A, Standard 6.1.1.
  4. Members of its governing body are fit and proper persons – HES Framework 2021, Part A, Standard 6.1.2.
  5. Members of its governing body meet the Australian residency requirements (if any) of the instrument under which the applicant is established or incorporated, or otherwise there are at least two members of the governing body who are residents of Australia – HES Framework 2021, Part A, Standard 6.1.2.
  6. Their proposed staffing for each course of study is sufficient to meet the educational, academic support and administrative needs of students undertaking the course. This includes oversight by academic leaders with sufficient experience to develop a higher education learning environment – HES Framework 2021, Part A, Standard 3.2.1.
  7. They can operate effectively and sustainably and in compliance with all relevant legislative requirements and their constitution or equivalent – HES Framework 2021, Part A, Standard 6.2.1.
  8. Their application for registration is in the approved form, accompanied by any information, documents and assistance requested (including a concurrent application for accreditation of at least one higher education course and all other information specified in the relevant application guide) as well as the relevant fee – Section 18(3) of the TEQSA Act.
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